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Children's support


For children's health and development

Since September 1999, the Gisèle Faubert Foundation has donated over $1,000,000 in support of families across Quebec, with particular emphasis on the Roussillon MRC region, to help children with illnesses and disorders to flourish.

The needs are great, and the Foundation is proud to be able to ease the burden on families by offering this essential service in support of the community.

Support for the family

The Gisèle Faubert Foundation recognizes that each child is unique and may have special needs. That’s why it listens carefully and sensitively to all requests for financial support. The reasons for eligibility are wide-ranging and varied, in an effort to respond to as many requests as possible.


Travel costs for medical appointments


Health professional services: speech therapy…. 


Various forms of therapy: hippotherapy…


Respite center services


Cost of medical equipment and appliances: adapted tricycle…. 


Request for assistance

For 25 years, the Gisèle Faubert Foundation has provided financial assistance to families of children affected by any disease or disorder. The well-being of these families is always important to us.


However, the new mission of the Foundation to carry out the construction of a palliative care home in Montérégie-Ouest is entering its active phase of major fundraising campaign and the beginning of construction is imminent. In this context, all our energies and all the money of the Foundation will be devoted to the construction of the house.


We will resume support for families of sick children once the house is operational and fill the critical need for lack of end-of-life beds in our region.

Useful information about financial assistance
  • The Foundation evaluates each case on its own merits;
  • The Foundation has not determined a fixed maximum or minimum amount – the decision on the amount granted is based on family income and the child’s needs;
  • Financial assistance can be granted in a variety of ways: on an ad hoc basis, during hospitalization, as reimbursement for appointments with a healthcare professional upon presentation of receipts;
  • Several applications may be submitted for the same child – the amount is allocated for the current year only. A new application must be submitted each year.

Apply online

1-Family requests for assistance
When the request comes directly from the family, the following criteria must be met:
  • The child must be under 18 years of age and a resident of Quebec;
  • The request for financial support must be duly completed;
  • Proof of diagnosis of the child’s illness or disorder must accompany the application;
  • Proof of family income must accompany the application (notice of assessment).
2- Social worker's request for assistance
When the request comes from a social worker, the following criteria must be met:
  • The child must be under 18 years of age;
  • The notice of assessment, including family income, must be sent to the Foundation;
  • Proof of diagnosis of the child’s illness or disorder must be sent to the Foundation;
  • A letter containing the request and the amount to be paid must be sent to the Foundation.

"*" indicates required fields

1- Child's details

2- Applicant information


Professional services

Our privacy policy is available on our website at www.fondationgiselefaubert.org

Please note that the analysis of the request may take up to four (4) weeks.

Useful information about financial assistance
  • The Foundation evaluates each case on its own merits;
  • The Foundation has not determined a fixed maximum or minimum amount – the decision on the amount granted is based on family income and the child’s needs;
  • Financial assistance can be granted in a variety of ways: on an ad hoc basis, during hospitalization, as reimbursement for appointments with a healthcare professional upon presentation of receipts;
  • Several applications may be submitted for the same child – the amount is allocated for the current year only. A new application must be submitted each year.

Many thanks
to all our partners and donors

The Gisèle Faubert Foundation is proud to count on the invaluable collaboration and generosity of its partners, sponsors, and donors. From the bottom of our hearts, we thank each and every one of them for supporting our missions with us.

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